If you left town tomorrow, would your clients leave too?

A lot of small businesses rely on their owners to keep customers coming back.

Without the owner, the whole thing falls apart.

Not only is the business reliant on the owner for day-to-day operations… it also relies on them to make sure customers are happy.

That’s just not sustainable.

You need to be able to step away from the business and trust your team to take great care of the customers you’ve worked so hard to build.

Here’s a few tips to help you get your team up to speed…

1. Role play. Have each of your team members reenact scenarios of real or imagined customer interactions so that you can coach them on how to deliver a better experience.

You can also play the role of the team member and have each team member play the role of client. This way they are seeing exactly how you’d interact with customers.

2. Buy each of your team members your favorite book on delivering exceptional client or customer experience and have them read it as part of their ongoing training. Encourage them to integrate what they learn into their everyday interactions with the team as practice before taking it to clients (if they need more time to learn what they’ve read). If you need a good recommendation on a book, hit reply and let me know. I have tons of them to recommend!

3. Make training your team on how to deliver exceptional customer experience a daily part of the workday. This way you are being proactive about making sure your team treats each customer with the level of care that you do.

All in all, there are many ways to help train your team to be customer experience experts. Just pick one or two to get started right away. You can add more in as time goes on.

Let me know how these tips work for you!