I hope you’re having a wonderful week and I appreciate you!

Let’s talk about appreciation…

It comes in many forms and everyone wants to feel appreciated and as if they matter. I know I do! It makes a world of difference when you are with those who appreciate you…

You feel more at ease.
You show up eager to be open and connected.
You are more invested in engaging with one who appreciates you.

So think about what happens when you aren’t appreciated…

You feel uncomfortable.
You likely are hesitant to interact with the person who is not being appreciated.
You probably want to either attack the person or run faraway.

What happens when a business doesn’t appreciate you?

Likely, you’ll have the same reactions. You don’t want to be there but maybe you suck it up, because you’re not sure what to do in the moment. Or you leave. Feeling unappreciated is the #1 reason customers switch away from products and services. This isn’t surprising — who wants to continue interacting with anyone, especially a business, who doesn’t appreciate you?

So what can you do?

You can find ways to appreciate your clients and customers so they want to continue doing business with you. Keeping a client and getting repeat business costs a lot less than finding new clients. It is in your best interest to make sure your clients and customers are satisfied and appreciated.

Give them something for free.

Call to check in on them and genuinely listen to what they have to say.

Give them reward points for being a loyal customer.

Go above and beyond in little and big ways to let them know that you value and appreciate them.

Comment below and let me know how you show appreciation for your clients or customers!